Doaj Export plugin page displays only top 25 issues

I want to export the xml file for all our issues, but the export page displays only the top 25 issues (which is set in Setup page 5).
For example, the Pubmed Export plugin page shows:

1 - 25 of 183 Items 	1 2 3 4 5 6 7 > >>

The Doaj Export plugin page shows the following and ignores the other issues:

1 - 25 of 25 Items

Could you help me resolve this problem? I’m using Open Journal Systems

Resolved it.
in the file “” lines 237,238 should be edited to:

 $rangeInfo = Handler::getRangeInfo('issues');
 $iterator = $issueDao->getPublishedIssues($journal->getId(), $rangeInfo);

The second line change here is probably unwanted.

See this issue and fix:

Thank you ctgraham,
It took a good hour of my time to resolve what was already solved :disappointed:


The time is a loss, but the experience is gained! It’s always good to see someone able and willing to dive into the code to try to fix a problem. You could probably benefit by keeping an eye on the Git Issues, where you will see what other folks are reporting and trying.