Displaying the date of acceptance

I need the article page (article_detail) to display not only the date of submission, but also the date of acceptance and the date of publication. But there is a problem with the variable that should cause the date of acceptance of the article.
By default, in version of OJS, the article description page displays the date of publication of the article, so to make it show the date of submission of the article, I added the following code:

{* Published date *}
			{if $publication->getData('datePublished')}
				<div class="list-group-item date-published">
					{capture assign=translatedDatePublished}{translate key="submissions.published"}{/capture}
					<p><strong>{translate key="submissions.submitted"}:</strong>
					<strong>{translate key="semicolon" label=$translatedDatePublished}</strong>

Now, the most important question is how to display the date of article acceptance on the page?
I feel that there is an error in


{translate key=“submission.accepted”}: {$acceptanceDate|date_format:$dateFormatShort}

and it is related to the variable “{$acceptanceDate}”. This code snippet displays “Accepted:” but does not display the date.

What are the options for solving this issue of displaying the date of acceptance of the article?