Displaying dates of article submission and acceptance

Is it possible to show the date an article was originally submitted and the date it was accepted (on the public interface, I mean)? I thought there might be an option to do this, or a plug-in, or perhaps it could be done in the theme?

Sorry if I’m missing something obvious, but I can’t see this feature if it is there!

Hi @matthewbarr,

That information isn’t currently included in the templates, but it would make a very quick modification; you’d need to call $article->getDateSubmitted() to get the information you’re looking for.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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Thanks @asmecher - I’ll try adding that to my template!

In case anyone else is trying to do the same thing, here’s what I did. This works but is probably far from best practice:

Add functions to /classes/article/Article.inc.php:

    function getFormattedDateSubmitted() {
                return date('j F Y', strtotime($this->getDateSubmitted()));
        function getFormattedDatePublished() {
                return date('j F Y', strtotime($this->getDatePublished()));

Add following to /templates/article/article.tpl:

<br />
    {if $article->getFormattedDateSubmitted()}
        <div id="dateSubmitted">        
        <div style="color: #808080;">Received {$article->getFormattedDateSubmitted()|escape}, published online {$article->getFormattedDatePublished()|escape}</div>

Hi @matthewbarr,

Glad you got it going! You can probably do this entirely inside the templates using Smarty modifiers, by the way.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team