Hi Guys,
Is there an option or a way to display Author Email on article level, specifically the author that is “Principal contact for editorial correspondence”.
Hi Guys,
Is there an option or a way to display Author Email on article level, specifically the author that is “Principal contact for editorial correspondence”.
Hi @Nazimm,
Have you tried configuring the Reading Tools as Journal Manager? There’s a “contact the author” tool that will be shown as part of the article view if it’s enabled.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi, how do I display the “principle contact for editorial correspondence” in OJS3?
Hi, same case… Need to display email of corresponding author. Is there any solution yet?
Hi all,
For OJS 3.x, I would suggest having the authors enter their ORCID IDs; this will cause the published article to include links to their ORCID profiles, and all the tools available there.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you!, Unfortunately, that practice is not common yet for all people, we need some flexibility. Can I do it by modifying the theme files? I do have some experience web, as I used to develop website in wordpress. But I ask rather we have easier or better option.
Hi @Mikhael_Johanes,
This would require some modifications to the Smarty templates, or a child theme that overrides the templates completely. Where you see calls in the templates like {$author->getFullName()|escape}
, that’s a Smarty call to the getFullName
function on the Author
class. Similarly, you can call the getEmail
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Deas asmecher, thanks!, wilk try it soon…
Hi @asmecher,
I can fetch author email by using code {$author->getEmail()}
. This will fetch email for all authors.
I want to fetch email only for corresponding author. What codes should I use to check if the author is a corresponding author?
I am using OJS 3.1.1
Best regards,
Never mind, I got it. It is:
{if $author->getPrimaryContact()}
how to get email address of corresponding author?
You may add the following code to display corresponding author email:
Corresponding author email: <a href="mailto:{$author->getEmail()}">{$author->getEmail()}</a>