Display access sponsor for institutional accounts?

Is there a way to display a “sponsored by” message to users who are accessing OJS content through an institutional subscriber account, such as “Journal access provided by [institution name associated with IP address]”, perhaps in the sidebar or header? I’ve searched the docs and forum and haven’t found a solution for this. If this is not possible, I’ll move it to a suggestion.


Hi @jbest,

From the way that I’ve seen this before, there are several ways to go about this: you might be able to do this through the custom block plugin, and then feature it on the sidebar. There’s also the option of having it in the footer too. If you want the header, you may be able to achieve this through a customized stylesheet. If you have a preference for any of these options, let me know and I will try to point you in the correct direction.

PKP Team

@rcgillis Thanks for the quick response. I started to look into how to create a custom block and looked at examples and found the existing Subscription block (ojs/plugins/blocks/subscription at main · pkp/ojs · GitHub). I don’t understand all the details, but looking at the attributes, text in the local files, and some of the logic, it looks to me like it should do exactly what I want. We actually have that block activated, but I didn’t see any way to configure it and, for me, it just says " A subscription is required to access some resources. Learn More". But even though I have admin access, I realize now I don’t have a subscription so I’ll test that out and also set up a way to test what is displayed for institutional subscribers. Thanks for your help!


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