We have journal on address
and when visitor enter archive he can see:
when visitor wants to see some journal he can see
Can we define somewhere that user sees immediately TOC instead of again seeing small icon of front page and link to TOC above?
This is the “Create Cover” option in “Issue Data” under each Issue.
Turn off the “Cover” for each Issue where you want the link to go directly to the Table of Contents.
User Home → Editor → Back Issues → (Select Issue) → Issue Data → Cover.
But, in that case the journal that appears in announcements on front page/home page does not have cover. Is it possible that issue that appears on the front page does have cover image, but in Archives when we see journal with cover page and when we click on title of journal we should se TOC instead of again cover page with link of TOC. The idea is to make shorter/less steps to see TOC without disturbing its appearance on front page that was set in announcements.
For this, leave “Create cover” check, and also check “Do not display cover image prior to table of contents.”.
In that case happens what I wanted to void. I have two steps to TOC, but the page with TOC only appears on home page in announcements. I noticed that system sends to Announcements that appear on home page, the page that is defined after clicking on journal. So, if that page is defined to appear with TOC only it will appear in announcements. If that page is defined to appear with cover image it will appear like that in announcements on home page.
My suggestion is that system should send to announcements the page that displays overview/list of issues with cover pages. The rest should be left as an option to editor to manage whther it will after that appear with TOC only or with cover images and link to TOC.
I hope I am clear.
This may take someone with more familiarity about the publishing workflow than I have.
In OJS 2.4.6, when I check “Do not display cover image prior to table of contents.”, I get just a single click into the TOC.
I haven’t done testing on the announcements.
Yes I have got the same as you have, but the same page appear in the announcements part on home page. That is the point.