Dear @asmecher
Thanks for your help with my previous questions. I have three more questions, I accidently deleted the “font size” plugin from my plugin files, thinking that perhaps I needed to delete and reinstall in order to get it to show up, but it turns out this is not the case. Could you direct me to retrieving it?
I’d like to make a few changes to the ‘look’ of the journal, specifically widen the navigation bar width so that the pages do not fold under as more are added, but are all listed in one line. I tried editing the common.css but did not succedd. Do you think you could direct me to where I can widen this bar?
Finally, everyday I’m reminded that I do not have the most recent version of OJS, but I’m resisting upgrading since I’m concerned I’ll lose all the modifications I’ve made and have to redo everything. is this concern grounded? Could you direct me to a forum where I can get more specific instructions on downloading and rolling over onto the latest version? Or will we be fine with what we’re using …
Thank you so much for your help