How do you delete a journal in OJS 2.4.8?
How do you move the users of a journal to another?
Or will the users be deleted when the journal is deleted?
How do you delete a journal in OJS 2.4.8?
How do you move the users of a journal to another?
Or will the users be deleted when the journal is deleted?
Hi @newone,
You can delete a journal from within Site Administration.
User accounts are site-wide, i.e. one user can be active in several journals. User accounts aren’t deleted when a journal is removed, but role associations are (e.g. if a user was a journal manager in a journal, and the journal is deleted, that journal manager role is as well).
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks @asmecher, and for clarifying about the user role.
I was able to find it after making the post.
Initially, I unchecked the box that says: Enable this journal to appear publicly on the site. When I did it, the journal was still showing up in web searches, even after some weeks. It appears that delete is the only way to remove a journal.
It is not clear why unchecking the enable box does not have impact. People can still access the journal.
Hi @newone,
With that checkbox unchecked, you can still access the journal if you know the URL, but it won’t be listed e.g. in search results or on the site-wide index page. If a search engine has already seen the URL to the journal listed somewhere (e.g. it was previously enabled but later disabled), it’ll likely continue to be indexed.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team