Default user in OJS

As far as I see default users are author and translator. Can we define translator as optional user, not default one?


Hi @vvucic,

What do you mean by “default users”?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Maybe that is default role for users.; When we want to select which role contributor/author have we see optional checking for author and translator. We would like to have author only.


Hi @vvucic,

Do you mean the available checkboxes when a user registers for a new account? Have a look in Users & Roles > Roles, use the Edit tool on the Translator role, and uncheck Allow user self-registration. (This role isn’t usually available for self-registration, by the way.)

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

It is unchecked already. When I wanted to delete that role I got red notification that it is default one.
Please see screenshot in attach.

Hi @vvucic,

I think I’ve misunderstood your question. Could you say where you’d like that role removed from?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Yes, indeed. Sorry if I was not clear. It is 1.43AM here.
