Default search on home page -whether it use solr? if yes how to configure and commit data to solar server so that search can be functional?
should I require solr for default search lucene plugin in ojs verstion 2.4.8 for working functional?
Default search on home page -whether it use solr? if yes how to configure and commit data to solar server so that search can be functional?
should I require solr for default search lucene plugin in ojs verstion 2.4.8 for working functional?
Hi @dipak.acharya,
To cause OJS to use Lucene/SOLR, you’ll need to enable the Lucene plugin and set up the service. See plugins/generic/lucene/README
for details. You will need to have a Lucene/SOLR service running to do this.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I am using windows server and ojs 2.4.8.
Can it possible on windows server to “Lucene/SOLR service running” because as per read me file there is instructions
Is there any articles/document or steps to integration ojs 2.4.8 search lucene in windows server to enable working with solr/jetty?
Hi @dipak.acharya ,
As part of the optimization of external search support for OJS, the PKP Technical Committee is looking for use cases and relevant experience with the Lucene/Solr plugin for OJS.
GitHub - ojsde/lucene: Plugin for Solr/Lucene support in OJS. or via Plugin-Gallery
We are going to organize a meeting with all the interested parties. If you are interested in sharing requirements, user experiences and use cases, please feel free to contact me.
Dulip Withanage