Default Discussion Participants


We are using OJS and we have an issue with the default discussion participants.
We want that an author opens a discussion the journal editor is selected by default.
Currently, authors have to select the journal editors.

Screenshot 2020-09-17 at 12.53.18

Would it be possible to modify the code to get this functionality?



Any feedback for this issue ?

Hi @zaratushtra,

At the moment, changing that behaviour would require a code modification. However, you can see our future plans for email/discussion composition in some of the linked GitHub issues here… Email: notifications, templates, drafting, sending · GitHub

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher,
Thanks for your answer.
if it is a trivial code modification, I would like to do it by myself.
Could you please guide me to the necessary code modification? I mean which files should I change in order to provide the functionality.

Hi @zaratushtra,

I would suggest looking at lib/pkp/controllers/grid/queries/ in the addQuery function (this is the handler class that calls the form when the user wants to create a new discussion), and the form itself in lib/pkp/controllers/grid/queries/form/ (this is used for both creating and editing a new discussion).

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team