Good morning, I’m having trouble with a magazine.
When I want to see any of the uploaded PDFs I get the following message:
DB Error: Unknown column ‘views’ in ‘field list’
We have not installed any external plugins.
Currently we use the OJS version 2.4.5
This is the link of the magazine:
I would greatly appreciate your help.
A similar thread here suggests checking whether you have installed any new third-party plugins, and whether you have recently upgraded the code, but not run the database upgrade.
Do not make any updates, I only use version 2.4.5.
I also did not install any plugins.
What do you think would be a possible solution?
Did this problem recently start, or has it been this way since installation?
I would proceed with one of two options:
- Upgrade to OJS 2.4.8-2 via the “Full Package” upgrade. OJS 2.4.5 is a bit old and new functionality and bugfixes are available in the current release.
- Debug the code and database to find the cause of the problem in your OJS 2.4.5 install. This would start out with:
- Turning on the
and show_stacktrace
options in, then checking your error log for the details.
- With that detail, identify the query where a column “views” is being used but is not present in the table.
- Make needed code changes to patch the functionality.
It is better to upgrade to version 2.4.8 or 3.0.2 from 2.4.5?
The upgrade from 2.4.5 to 2.4.8 will keep your site substantially the same in terms of appearance and function.
The upgrade from 2.4.5 to 3.0.2 will radically change the appearance and function of your site.
Most new development is going into the 3.x release; 2.4.x will be maintained in the immediate future mostly for stability and security.
Perfect… But there are no problems in updating to any of the 2 versions being in version 2.4.5?
As with any upgrade, be sure to read the documentation (see the OJS /docs/ folder), but you already have some of the more complex tasks behind you (like the Statistics Migration, for example).
I’m sorry just one question more… Do you know if there is documentation to update in Spanish?
Sorry, no. To my knowledge, this documentation is only maintained in English at this time.
Hi @dmeligeni,
Just jumping onto a thread without fully reading it – but if you’re looking for general OJS3 documentation in Spanish, try this book.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks you @asmecher… but this book is blank without information.
I was looking in Spanish are the steps to upgrade from version 2.4.5 to 3.02.
Hi @dmeligeni,
At the moment, I’m not aware of any Spanish translation of that documentation, unfortunately.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team