How do you try to register the DOIs and what registration agency are you using? – There are several registration agencies and appropriate plugins in OJS e.g. Crossref, DataCite, mEDRA. There are also several ways to register DOIs: a) manual: export from OJS and upload at the registration agency portal, b) automatized: registration directly from OJS and c) automatic: registration using a cron job i.e. Acron plugin.
Has something changed since then, when it worked?
We have registered the Datacite plugin to our OJS. We use the automatized registration directly from OJS. We use this in all our journals besides one. We have the latest version of OJS
As Journal Manager: Journal Management > Import/Export Data > DataCite Export/Registration Plugin. Then the plugin should first be configured i.e. your DataCite access data (username and password) entered. Then, when you for example go to “Export Articles” you should see the link “Register” there. That would be this automatized way of DOIs registration/deposit. But you can also use the link “Export” there, save the files and then upload them manually in the DataCite portal.
We have discovered an other issue in regards to export DOI’s to Datacite. Somehow this happened: “10.5278/ojs.s & d.v0i31.2014” and since the DOI has spaces it can’t be exported. But none of us know how that happened, since it has been working before. Can I simply try to reassign the DOO’s?
We are on version 3.1.01. But it was also a problem in earlier versions. I just hoped, it would be fixed when we upgraded
When I try to register the DOI’s to DataCite it gives me a message telling me the DOI has spaces and that’s why it wont be registrered. But I don’t know how come spaces is shown in the DOI’s… So my question is, can I try to reassign DOI’s to the articles that has a wrong DOI with spaces/are not yet registered?
What are your DOI plugin settings – how did you define the DOI suffix generation?
Do all DOIs in that journal have such a suffix?
Are some DOIs in the journal already registered and resolvable?
Does that means that all those ‘strange’ DOIs are not registered and resolvable? – If so, it is not nice, because someone could already noticed them and used them when citing the article, but… maybe yes, maybe you should then change those DOIs and then register them.
This Crossref document says that only some characters are allowed in the DOI: Constructing your identifiers – Support Center – namely "a-z", "A-Z", "0-9" and "-._;()/". Maybe it is the same/similar with DataCite, although there is no such information at their web site?
Be careful: if you use the DOI plugin settings link/function “Reassign DOIs” it will remove all DOIs in that journal**!!!**
We will try to improve it in OJS: not to display the DOIs for the users till they are registered and resolvable, and eventually to restrict the characters used in suffix…
Yes some DOIs are already registered and resolvable. But then the problem arose suddenly and the latest issues have the problem but not the older ones. And this is not so nice since - as you point out - the DOI’s could be in use somewhere else…
I have taken a screen shot of the configuration below - can you tell if there’s any problem there? the configuration hasn’t been changed to our knolwledge.
It seems that your journal initials are “s & d” i.e. they were so when those DOIs were generated. How were your earlier DOIs i.e. journal initials when everything was working fine? Maybe also DataCite changed their rules?
I would suggest to ask DataCite if there is a way to register such DOIs and if not, I am afraid you would need to change them :-\ Maybe you could also ask DataCite what would be a good/the best way to go in such a case, when the ‘wrong’ DOIs (that are not resolvable) have been already published?