Database Error- Initial install - Mac

I am new to OJS system however I was trying to localhost it on my Mac even after having configured MySQL, Apache and all working fine. I am getting the following error. Any assistance is appreciated

[Database error has occurred: No such file or Directory]


It might be difficult to assist you with only this information about the problem. Did you install it directly on your mac, do you use something like XAMPP or VirtualBox?

Can you try logging into your MySQL server via terminal using the second code example on this page: MySQL :: MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual :: 4.5.1 mysql — The MySQL Command-Line Client

Sorry I forgot to mention that I have MySQL server installed on my Mac and not a VirtualBox.

Hm my advice would be to always use a VirtualBox or similar to have a boxed environment where you do your work - including the option to back up, create restore points and to duplicate your local server.

Did you suceed logging into your MySQL server as suggested above?

There is an issue in the old forum which may be related:

Hi @wamarobert

This problem you are facing has a similar thread:

Take a look on it, but in summary, you need create a database before start install procedure.

