Dear community,
I have just installed customLocale plugin to customize some translations, but the page where the strings are supposed to show up is not loading. I set the language I want to edit as a primary language for the system. What could be wrong?

Hi @Vladislav_Mavrin,
What version of the plugin and what version of OJS are you using?
PKP Team
Hi @rcgillis
thank you for your reply.
OJS 3.3.0-6
Plgin, I guess the last version. I downloaded it 2 days ago from github
*** Version: 1.1.0**
Hi @Vladislav_Mavrin,
While you can download the plugin from Github, that isn’t preferable. It is better to install the plugin from the plugin gallery. You could try uninstalling it and re-installing it from the plugin gallery to see if that works better.
PKP Team
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