Custom Theme: User registration error „Errors occured processing this form“ [OJS]

We have created a new custom theme for our OJS version, which is technically based on the bootstrap3 “Cerulian” theme.


Unfortunately, the new theme seems to prevent users from registering. After the registration process is completed, the error message “Errors occured processing this form” appears.

Screenshot 2022-06-21 135013

It is strange that the failure of the registration is not documented in the errog_log. There is not a single entry in the log related to this event.

To simplify debugging, I have disabled the options force_login_ssl, require_validation, implicit_auth in But even in this case the registration fails.

If I activate the old bootstrap3 Cerulian theme, the registration works right away.

So the error must be related to our theme. Do you have any clues for us as to what could be the cause of this error? What is the best way to proceed with debugging?

Thank you very much and best regards

Hi @adm_sub,

I’d double-check that template cache is cleared after the theme is changed and also clear the browser cache. If it doesn’t help, check the browser console, debug with the browser’s dev tools.

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Hi @Vitaliy,

thank you! With your help, we have managed to fix the user registration error.

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