Custom message for user registration

Under Users & Roles → Site Access Options → User registration, in OJS 3.x there are two options:

  • Visitors can register a user account with the journal.
  • The Journal Manager will register all user accounts. Editors or Section Editors may register user accounts for reviewers.
    If the second option is ticked, the message shown to candidate authors is

This journal is currently not accepting user registrations.

while we want to invite possible authors to register via our support desk.
So, we would like to have the option there for a custom message:

If you are interested in contributing to this journal, please send an email to or
Please contact our user registration department at +31 43 1234556666

I could not find a similar request. If there is, please move this request there as a supportive message.

Hi @pverberne, I’d recommend using the CustomLocales plugin. It lets you override any preset text (the kind that is translated depending on what language you use) with your own text. In this case, you’d be able to override the English version of this text with your preferred text.

Dear @NateWr,
Thank you so much for this excellent advice. :smiley:
The specific mentioned locale can be found under: