Custom field in 'Schedule for Publication' page

OJS Version: 3.2.1-3
I am trying to add some custom fields in the ‘Schedule for Publication’ page to capture a percentage value for each contributor. I am planning to use this percentage value to pay the contributor through a 3rd party.
I was able to get a demo plugin ‘institutionalHome’ working, but not sure how to add fields to the ‘Schedule for Publication’ page.
Pointer to customize this page (probably adding a new tab saying Contributor allocations) which will list down all contributors and allow a number field to be associated with each contributor.

Hello @kpvipin,

Making this change would likely require modifying the software code, as well as the database and/or developing a plugin to carry out this task. To get an overview of what is involved in this, I’d encourage you to checkout our developer documentation: PKP Developer Docs - Technical guides and documentation for OJS and OMP

As for how exactly you would go about this, I’m not entirely sure, but other developers may wish to weigh in with their advice.

Best regards,

PKP staff

Thanks @rcgillis.
I am a developer myself and trying to developed a custom plugin. I am having hard time in identifying the right hook to achieve this.
Any docs/pointers to get the details of available hooks?

Hi @kpvipin,

You might want to check out this section of the developer docs:
Example - Add Custom Fields - Plugin Guide for OJS and OMP - it goes into a little further detail on custom fields. And here, for a detailed looks at hooks: Hooks - Technical Documentation - OJS|OMP|OPS
