Is their a possibility that PKP can write an updated CrossRef plugin for OJS and OJS 2.4.7 that easily can accommodate this request - or would you advise me on whom to contact to assist in this. Possible it would only be an additional line of coding to be added to the source file to make this work.
I don’t have direct familiarity with the Crosscheck service, but your description matches my understanding.
An important additional consideration here is that OJS only submits DOIs to CrossRef after the article is published, so this wouldn’t serve to replace any pre-publication vetting.
Thanks for referring me to OJS 2.4.7 - however, is their at all anyone knowledgeable to who you can direct me to, that will be able to assist to downgrade the plugin to work for OJS
@tretief, I don’t personally have anyone to suggest.
I would warn you that OJS 2.3.3-3 is extremely old software; substantial fixes and enhancements have gone into the product in the last 7 years. I strongly recommend looking into an upgrade to the latest 2.4 release.