Crossref Reference Linking Plugin

  • Application Version :
    *There is issue in submitting meta data to crossref.

When I enquired technical team of crossref, they recommonded Crossref Reference Linking Plugin to deposite meta data (Reference) .

Unfortunaltely, this plugin no longer availabe for and new version of OJS.

Is there any alternative or is there anyway to use Crossref Reference Linking Plugin.

This plugin is must to track the citations and crossmark serviece by crossref.

Please help in this regard. ASAP.

Thank you.

Hi @aurag ,

Not as of yet. There still appears to be an open issue that has not been resolved that is interfering with the plugin’s ability to work in OJS 3.2. Please see here for details: Crossref Reference Linking not available in - #2 by asmecher

Best regards,


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