I tried to download an XML for paper from my OJS, so I can upload it to crossref webdeposit to update my metadata due that I forgot to include the authors and Abstracts previously, however I get Failure with a message from Crossref:
Record not processed because submitted version: 1514573036 is less or equal to previously submitted version (DOI match)
Yes, the DOI is already assigned to the same article, as I mentioned earlier that I am trying to update the metadata to avoid using crossref webdepositor, I am trying to upload XML file downloaded from OJS with all the metadata: Title, authors, URL crawler, abstract,…
any hint? or I am oblige to redeposite all the papers again ?
I Think that on crossref site you can find information about such cases. I h ave had that a couple of times with some journals. They called me when they failed. I contacted their support, corrected data and deposited again and everything was OK.