Crossref OJS Not Communicating


I have recently registered for a crossref account and want to enable the automatic registration of DOIs through OJS. I have followed all the steps to configure my journal so it should register my content, checked the box for automatic registration, and my journal is assigning DOIs to my articles, but they are not registering in Crossref. When you click the DOI link it says “DOI Not Found”.

Have I missed something?

Hi @kvandiest,

What version of OJS are you using (please indicate this in your posts e.g. 3.3.0-13)? Also, did you login to your crossref account and are able to get a report from them to see if any errors are being produced?

PKP Team

Hi Roger,

I am using OJS Version I have entered my crossref credentials in the CrossRef XML Export Plugin and the DOI Plugin Settings area, but nothing shows up in my CrossRef. OJS generated DOIs for all articles published in this journal, but then when I click the link it says DOI not found and when I enter it into my Crossref reports tab it says DOI not found in Crossref.

I can manually enter the metadata for the generated DOI, but shouldn’t this work automatically?

Thank you!

It should… but I have heard of taking this a few days to propagate. Did you just configure it today? If so, it may be good to give it a day or two to see if works then.

PKP Team

Thank you for helping, it has been over a week and the DOIs have not populated. Still receiving an error message.

Did you tick “deposit automatically” in the Crossref export plugin settings? And did you enable scheduled tasks?

You may add the following line to your crontab:

*/10 * * * * php /[your path to the ojs install directory]/tools/runScheduledTasks.php plugins/importexport/crossref/scheduledTasks.xml

And you edit your plugins/importexport/crossref/scheduledTasks.xml accordingly.

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