Creating Subsections within TOC

Does anyone have a clear solution for creating subsections in the journal issue TOC? I realize a section will not appear in the TOC unless content is submitted to it.

Please see link to our current TOC:
I am looking to add a section called “Exchanges” that would include subsections such as “Conversations”, “Design & Analysis” where each subsection would have submitted content. “Exchanges” would function as a header with no content uploaded to it. How can I manipulate the OJS system to add subsections? Thanks.

Hi @Briana_Metzger,

Please see Is it possible to have subsections in the Table of Contents? and post a response here if you have further questions.

Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hola, con la versión 3.1 de OJS, ¿Ya es posible tener subsecciones?