Creating sections in setup

I am new to OJS, and trying to get my first issue to publication. I cannot see in the setup where I can create different sections and at the moment the only option I have is ‘articles’. Please help! :worried:

Hi @lbenade,

Try this document:


Hi Bruno

I’ve visited that page before, but there is no ‘journal sections’ visible. The screenshots show what I see.

Dr Leon W Benade
Senior Lecturer
Director of Research
School of Education
AUT University
Private Bag 92006
Auckland 1142
T: + 64 9 921 9999 ext: 7931
M: + 64 27 433 8330
Twitter: @lwbenade
Skype: leon.benade
Teachers’ Critical Reflective Practice in the Context of Twenty-first Century Learning

Hi @lbenade,

The journal sections are not managed through the 5 journal setup steps, but one level higher. If you look in your first screenshot, at the top you see the breadcrumb trail: home > user > journal management > journal setup. Click on “journal management”. This will bring you to all the options available to journal managers (also available through clicking ‘journal manager’ in your user home.

In the top list, one of the options is “journal sections”. Here you will be able to set up different sections for your journal.
You will also find a short instructional video on this topic at the PKP School:

I hope this helps, but if there are any other questions please let me know.
PKP Team

Hi there

Thank you, that worked fine. I’m almost there in regards to publishing the issue, but am finding that there are four or five PDFs that won’t load up as galleys. This despite getting the first few uploaded fine. Any thoughts on the matter? I have tried shifting the PDFs to a different source folder, but that’s not working either.

Dr Leon W Benade
Senior Lecturer
Director of Research
School of Education
AUT University
Private Bag 92006
Auckland 1142
T: + 64 9 921 9999 ext: 7931
M: + 64 27 433 8330
Twitter: @lwbenade
Skype: leon.benade
Teachers’ Critical Reflective Practice in the Context of Twenty-first Century Learning

I’m not sure why that would be, maybe it has something to do with their size? Are they much larger than the others?

@beghelli or @asmecher will know more.

Hi @lbenade,

I wouldn’t suggest moving the PDFs around to different locations; OJS expects them to be in exactly the right location, and if it doesn’t find them there, it’ll give up. If you re-upload the PDFs, do they work?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi Alec

Repeated efforts fail - after a period of time all I get is a white screen

Yes they have more images - is there a size limit?

Yes, your server may have a size limit for uploads. I personally don’t know how to check that, but @asmecher will.

Hi @lbenade,

Have a look at this FAQ entry:

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

I’ll follow up that lead, Karen. The three files that won’t upload are between 6 and 9 mb.

Dr Leon W Benade
Senior Lecturer
Director of Research
School of Education
AUT University
Private Bag 92006
Auckland 1142
T: + 64 9 921 9999 ext: 7931
M: + 64 27 433 8330
Twitter: @lwbenade
Skype: leon.benade
Teachers’ Critical Reflective Practice in the Context of Twenty-first Century Learning

Finally sorted, thanks!

Dr Leon W Benade
Senior Lecturer
Director of Research
School of Education
AUT University
Private Bag 92006
Auckland 1142
T: + 64 9 921 9999 ext: 7931
M: + 64 27 433 8330
Twitter: @lwbenade
Skype: leon.benade
Teachers’ Critical Reflective Practice in the Context of Twenty-first Century Learning

All sorted, thanks!

Dr Leon W Benade
Senior Lecturer
Director of Research
School of Education
AUT University
Private Bag 92006
Auckland 1142
T: + 64 9 921 9999 ext: 7931
M: + 64 27 433 8330
Twitter: @lwbenade
Skype: leon.benade
Teachers’ Critical Reflective Practice in the Context of Twenty-first Century Learning