I want to use latest version of OJS for our journal
I have a MS Word manuscript with *.docx format.
I want to create and publish a HTML vesion of the article (with images), How can I do it?
I want to create a XML file from full lengh article, How can I do it?
I want to produce PDF file from XML file, How can I do it?
Please accept my apology for these questions
Hi @Journalist,
This process generally takes place outside of OJS, and journals use a large variety of tools, depending on their workflow and resources. MS Word can produce HTML and PDF files directly; some journals use more design-centric tools like InDesign. For XML, there is a large mix of workflows, from outsourcing the transformation to third-party companies, to parsing/authoring tools like FidusWriter and OTS, etc.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I consult on this subject. What is the best way to upload HTML articles with images? Suppose I have an HTML already created with the images in the same folder (I use OJS 3.1.1).

I must put a server for the journal upload the images of each of your issues and link or there is a way to upload them in the same submission?
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You can upload an image by attaching it to the HTML or XML galley. You need to point filename of attached image for the image path.