Creating block plugin including css/less

Hi there,

I have written a small language toggle plugin for the sidebar (in OJS 3.0.2) with flags instead of words. I would like to include a small less/css file for this plugin with some basic rules (like size of the icons), but I don’t know where and how to reference this file. Is this even possible?

It would be nice if someone could give me some directions, because I don’t have any experience with this.

Kind regards

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Greetings @UBWolf,

Take a look at this line of code:

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Hi Vitality,

thank you, I’ll try that!

Kind regards

Hi again,

I’ve put the line of code into my “”-file but it there weren’t any changes. Clearly I am doing something wrong. Do I have to reference this somehow in my block.tpl?
I’m sorry to bother you with these certainly easy problems, but after trying for hours I don’t know what to do anymore.

Kind regards


Do you actually see reference to included css file in the head of the page from the browser?


thank you for answering me :slight_smile: no, it doesn’t show. Maybe I am putting it in the wrong function.

Here is my code:

function getContents($templateMgr, $request = null) {
                $templateMgr->assign('isPostRequest', $request->isPost());
                if (!defined('SESSION_DISABLE_INIT')) {
                        $journal = $request->getJournal();
                        if (isset($journal)) {
                                $locales = $journal->getSupportedLocaleNames();

                        } else {
                                $site = $request->getSite();
                                $locales = $site->getSupportedLocaleNames();
                } else {
                        $locales = AppLocale::getAllLocales();
                        $templateMgr->assign('languageFlagsNoUser', true);

                if (isset($locales) && count($locales) > 1) {
                        $templateMgr->assign('enableLanguageFlags', true);
                        $templateMgr->assign('languageFlagsLocales', $locales);
                        $templateMgr->addStylesheet('languageFlags', 'URL/main.css');
                return parent::getContents($templateMgr, $request);

Kind regards

Take a look at the function “register” in my link above (it is the first). The second hook there is for adding your function with links to css in templates.

Hi @Vitaliy

thank you very much! I walked a bit on the path of trial and error, but with your help I finally managed to include the stylesheet.

Thanks again!