I need to create a second review round with the same reviewers. I am not sure how to do this.
I read something about selecting resubmit for review but the author has already been notified the submit a revision and now I want to send the revision that is listed as an author version back to the original reviewers.
Hi @RickMath,
What application, and which version, are you using?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @RickMath,
OJS 2.2.4 is extremely old – 7 years – so I’d strongly suggest upgrading (to the latest 2.4.x, unless you’re ready to make the jump to 3.0, which will involve some re-training and testing). But as I recall, you should see radio buttons next to the various files that are available. Sending for a subsequent round of review means that the selected file will become the review version for the second round.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
OK with a little trying I got it to work.
I will look at the forum to check out 3.0
Other than forgetting how to do this 2.2.4 is working fine for us right
now. Is there some documentation on 3.0?
Thanks as always for your help. It has been a while since I needed it.
Hi @RickMath,
For an installation as old as 2.2.x, you’ll need to upgrade via 2.4.x before you upgrade to 3.0, so I’d suggest doing this in stages (rather than all at once, which will be more difficult to debug if something goes amiss). The 2.2.x to 2.4.x upgrade shouldn’t require any retraining, it’ll just add new features and behave better with recent servers.
Have a look at the following two resources for information on OJS 3.0:
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team