Cover image for child theme in article summary

I am trying to modify the HealthScience Theme. I want to visualize the cover images of each article also in the volume summary page, not just in the article page itself.
I am modifying the article_summary.tpl with that code (changed from the article_details.tpl):

<div class="article-summary">
		{* Article cover image *}
		{if $article->getLocalizedData('coverImage')|escape}
			<div class="article-summary-cover">
			{assign var="coverImage" value=$article->getLocalizedData('coverImage')|escape}
      **rest of the code**

It doesn’t visualize anything.
The problem is that the article_details uses $publication, while this element is not present in summary_articles. I don’t think that using $publication would be right here. Any suggestions?

So, it was easy…

{if $article->getLocalizedCoverImageUrl()}
			<div class="article-summary-cover">
			{assign var="coverImage" value=$article->getLocalizedCoverImageUrl()}
				{* alt="{$coverImage.altText|escape|default:''}" *}