My section editors are giving me great feedback on the new system.
One asked if there is a way to copy the section editor and editor on automatic review reminders. This might serve as a tickler to remind the editor to follow up also.
My section editors are giving me great feedback on the new system.
One asked if there is a way to copy the section editor and editor on automatic review reminders. This might serve as a tickler to remind the editor to follow up also.
Hi @RickMath,
I’m happy to hear you’re enjoying the new release of OJS! You will need to change the code in order to add bcc recipients to automatic review reminders. There are instructions on this post. I hope this is helpful.
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks Amanda
In the last post by Alec there is a line for a function. Does this go in the email template?
Hi @RickMath,
Hmm, yes, that’s a good question. It doesn’t say where the code change should be made. Let’s ask @asmecher.
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team
The line in the other post was $mail->ccAssignedEditors($articleId)
I searched around and could not find where the email recipients are defined. Related to this does this send to the journal editor and appropriate section editor.
Have we been able to locate where this code needs to be inserted. My main objective is to let editors know that a reminders have been sent.
Thanks so much. seems to be working great!!!
I am still looking for a place to set the cc to section editors for automatic reminders and also now emails in response to submissions, review requests and review completions. We had inserted this in 2.2.4 but I cannot find where it was inserted.
Thanks a this question is aging.
I believe this code would now live in ReviewReminder::sendReminder()
I guess that makes sense but I have no idea where in the code to place it.
Are you familiar with PHP code? If not, you’ll want to involve someone who is comfortable writing and editing PHP.
If you are familiar with PHP but you’re having trouble following the classes or logic use, feel free to ask any particular questions and we’ll be happy to point you in the right direction.
Yes I am somewhat familiar with php. Alec suggested the following in another post.
I am just wondering where to place it.
We have looked at as you suggested but we are not sure if this can be inserted and where. There are places in the file where recipients of the reminders are fetched.
This is where we need help
The method ReviewReminder::sendReminder()
is the code which actually constructs and sends the message. The variable $email
is a SubmissionMailTemplate
and its methods are used to set the properties of the mail, like the Subject, From, etc.
You’ll find methods ccAssignedSubEditors()
and bccAssignedSubEditors()
in SubmissionMailTemplate
I’m not immediately familiar with what it means to be a “Sub Editor” in OJS 3. If this role is what you want to target, these functions are for you.
These methods require a $submissionId
and a $stageId
as parameters.
An example of getting the appropriate submission id is in the same calling method:
But we’ll need to look elsewhere for the value of the $stageId
. There are defined in PKPApplication
The submission itself can return its current stage via Submission::getStageId()
Yes I see all these. I am still not sure what to change to get the cc’s sent to the section editor and the journal editor.
Some more guidance may help me.
I have not tested the code, but something like
$email->ccAssignedSubEditors($submission->getId(), $submission->getStageId());
in ReviewReminder::sendReminder()
might be what you are looking for. Again, I’m not familiar with what makes for a “Sub Editor” in OJS 3.x.
Hi all,
“Sub editor” is the Section Editor in OJS, and the Series Editor in OMP. It’s application-agnostic language used in the common library that both OJS and OMP build on.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear All,
we would need the same feature, but it is not clear where to include and what exactly. Could you help us out?