Hello, In many cases contributors are added to article not as registered user, but only as contributor. It could be good that such contributors could be saved in database which will enable authors to in a more easy way add contributors they worked with in previous articles published in the same journal. Thanks
Hi @vvucic,
We’re likely to tackle this through the use of ORCID identifiers; would that be useful for your case?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Yes, that could be useful. But, what to do if they are not in ORCID?
Hi @vvucic,
Generally, I’m concerned about privacy implications here. Offering e.g. an autocomplete field based on the names of the authors already in the system would likely violate E.U. privacy laws. (I’m only tangentially familiar with these, but we do have partners who are quite familiar with them and many users in European countries who need to comply.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
If name and family names are identical than it should be OK to present option to choose the name. with message: There is person with the same name and family name here. DO you want to consider to check is that person your contributor?. Of course, I do not support guessing after two letters of typing in any field.