I realized that cover images of journals that are in /public folder do nto show up after upgrade. permissions are OK. Please advise.
I realized that cover images of journals that are in /public folder do nto show up after upgrade. permissions are OK. Please advise.
Hi @vvucic,
Are those the cover images of the journals (uploaded in Journal Setup), or the cover pages for each issue (uploaded in Issue Management)?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
They are uploaded in journal setup for the front page so that someone who comes on the site firstly sees titles of journals and photos of sample of cover page, one for each journal.
please see image that shows how it looks like. There should be titles of journal and sample of front cover.
please advise
Hi @vvucic,
Hmmm… this is a little bit strange There should be the journal thumbnail and title, as you say. I can see them in my OJS 3 installation – this is without upgrade from 2.4.x, but the journalThumbnail setting haven’t been changed and title was considered in the upgrade script. Could you thus please take a look in your DB table journal_settings, if there are entries for that journal and with settingName = ‘journalThumbnail’ and settingName=‘name’ and how they look like? Also maybe if the name in the DB for the journalThumbnail corresponds to the file name in the public folder? And also if you can call the URL of the thumbnail in the public folder in the browser and see the image?
Thanks a lot!
To answer your questions I attached here 2 images, and as well
Also maybe if the name in the DB for the journalThumbnail corresponds to the file name in the public folder?
yes here is the field in ojs3 of the image → a:6:{s:4:“name”;s:19:“CJNSE thumbnail.jpg”;s:10:“uploadName”;s:26:“journalThumbnail_en_US.jpg”;s:5:“width”;i:99;s:6:“height”;i:100;s:8:“mimeType”;s:10:“image/jpeg”;s:12:“dateUploaded”;s:19:“2016-02-04 09:19:34”;}
which does not show up here → https://x.x.x.x/public/journals/82/journalThumbnail_en_US.jpg
The requested URL /public/journals/82/journalThumbnail_en_US.jpg was not found on this server.
And here is how it looks like in OJS2 of the image → a:6:{s:4:“name”;s:19:“CJNSE thumbnail.jpg”;s:10:“uploadName”;s:26:“journalThumbnail_en_US.jpg”;s:5:“width”;i:99;s:6:“height”;i:100;s:8:“mimeType”;s:10:“image/jpeg”;s:12:“dateUploaded”;s:19:“2016-02-04 09:19:34”;}
which does show up here https://journalhosting.ucalgary.ca/public/journals/82/journalThumbnail_en_US.jpg
And also if you can call the URL of the thumbnail in the public folder in the browser and see the image?
In OJS3 after upgrade the public folder is now empty with empty index file where as in ojs2 before upgrade there were also site and journals directories that contain many other files and directories under it
I am wondering if I should copy across manually from ojs2 to ojs3 the public directory folder, will it be an issue down the road?
We are upgrading our production and we only have little time window left. We hope you again can help us?
Kindly thanks!
Hi @dung,
Yes, you should copy the contents of the OJS 2.x public
directory when upgrading.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
root@ojs:/var/www/html/ojs-2.4.8-3# cp -rp public/ /var/www/html/ojs-3.1.2-1
it works!
Thank you! @asmecher
Hi @dung,
Great! Although you’ll probably need to fix the permissions of the copied files, since you’re copying as root
. Otherwise OJS won’t be able to manage those files.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I copied and retain permission such as cp -rp so how is this status:
root@ojs:/var/www/html/ojs-2.4.8-3# ls -ltar public/
total 24
-r–rw---- 1 www-data devs 0 Jan 16 2018 index.html
drwxrws— 4 www-data devs 4096 Apr 16 2018 .
drwxrws— 40 www-data devs 4096 Feb 11 08:23 journals
drwxrws— 3 www-data devs 12288 May 23 04:42 site
drwxrws— 19 www-data devs 4096 May 29 09:57 …
Best regards,
Hi @dung,
Depending on your server API, that’s probably fine.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hello @asmecher,
I will keep this in mind should any issue arises.
Best regards,