until recently we published our contributions under the creative commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. With our upcoming issue we will switch to CC BY-SA 4.0.
I have assigned the new creative commons license for the entire journal under “Distribution Settings” → “Permissions”. The old articles published under CC BY-NC-ND should obviously keep this license, so I assigned the licence to each article in the “schedule for publication” menu (“Attach the following permissions to the submission”, “License URL”).
The problem is that in the article information, for articles published under CC BY-NC-ND, I can now see both licenses, the old one (on article level) and the new one (on journal level; see picture).
This is very confusing as it doesn’t become clear under which license the article is published. Is it possible to display only this license for old articles published under CC BY-NC-ND?
How can I achieve this?#
Not yet, but one of our journals is planning to announce a new license for new issues, keeping the old one for back issues. This will probably cause a similar situation to yours. Did you consider moving all license information to the articles, removing the journal-wide license?
On the other hand, I could see some logic in a solution like this: If article license is empty, show journal license, else hide journal license and show article license.
However, I am not sure whether there are journals dual-licensing individual articles under different licenses than the journal license. If so, they would be impacted by this change, meaning there would need to be a setting or a plugin to do that.
i’ve already thought about your suggested solution, deleting the copyright notice as well as the license information on the magazine level in the distribution settings. unfortunately, deleting these fields is not an option for us, since the authors have to agree to the license information when submitting their contribution.