in OJS 2.x it was possible to add comments für each article, but in OJS 3.0 I haven’t discovered this feature. I assume it wasn’t included, but are there plans to do this in the future with the next stable version?
Kind regards
in OJS 2.x it was possible to add comments für each article, but in OJS 3.0 I haven’t discovered this feature. I assume it wasn’t included, but are there plans to do this in the future with the next stable version?
Kind regards
Hi @UBWolf,
Do you mean public commenting on the published article, or private notes e.g. for the editor in the workflow?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
If you want to have comments available for article pages, you could try this: GitHub - ajnyga/disqus: Disqus plugin for OJS/OPS/OMP 3.2+
Hi all,
@ajnyga, that looks great – are you interested in having it added to the plugin gallery for discovery and installation within OJS?
@UBWolf, if it’s public commenting you’re looking for, GitHub - asmecher/hypothesis: A Hypothes.is integration plugin for OJS is also an option.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
@asmecher @ajnyga
Thank you for your answers! Yes, I’m looking for a way to comment as an (external) user on articles. I don’t think the disqus-version is what we are looking for, but Hypothes.is looks rather good with the possibility of annotations. I try this one.
Kind regards
I have installed the hypothes.is-Plugin and activated it, but it won’t show (neither PDF nor HTML). Do I have to install something else? I added the patch, but it didn’t change anyhting.
Kind Regards
Hi @UBWolf,
Is your installation live somewhere?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
unfortunately the system cannot be accessed if you are not in our network.
But after I added the line into the html-file it worked (and also in the pdf, although I don’t understand why). But I think this is just another way to include this function, because I disabled the plugin for a time and it still worked.
Maybe there are some missing rights the plugin needs? Is there a file it needs to use?
Thank you very much so far!
Kind regards
Hi @UBWolf,
It’s possible that the plugin isn’t correctly registered with the system. How did you install it?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
I have downloaded the hypothesis-1.0.tar.gz from git, then I went to “settings > website > plugins” and used the “Upload a New Plugin”-Link. It was shown immediately in the list and I activatet it.
After I realized the plugin didn’t show in the html I added the PDF-patch manually (e.g. I opened the code and changed it).
Kind regards
Hi @UBWolf,
That 1.0 release is intended for OJS 2.4.x. For OJS 3.x, you’ll need to get newer code from the git repository. I’ll put together a release for OJS 3.x today and add it to the plugin gallery so that you can install directly from there; before you do so, please remove the old 1.0 release from your OJS.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @ajnyga . How to install discus plugin in ojs 3.1.1?