Classic theme: reduce size of "Downloads" chart

Hi there,

I am writing here because I am searching a way to reduce the size of the Downloads graph in Classich theme (last version, 1.0,2, with oJS 3.1.2-4).
It seems at the moment a bit huge and it gives a bit of an effect of “in your face”.
So would it maybe be a bit more sober to reduce its actual size?
@Vitaliy, do you think I could that with some custom css?
Thank you very much in advance and best regards


Hi @leonardo.mancini,

It seems to be hardcoded with Javascript. It can be overriden from custom css with something like:

.usageStatsGraph {
	height: 200px !important;
	width: auto !important;

Where height can be you custom absolute value in pixels. In this case it’s also important to test it on small screens, keeping in mind that your custom values may not be suitable for mobiles. !important ignores all previous rules. In CSS you can adapt the look to different screen size by using: @media, e.g.: CSS @media Rule

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Thank you very much @Vitaliy, I will test it.

Hi @Vitaliy,

I have used your code and it works like a charm: it reduces the Chart size on the Desktop version, while it doesn’t affect the visualization on mobile devices. Perfect!
Thank you again and best regards,

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