Classic Theme: align page titles on the left

Hi everyone,
hi @Vitaliy,

I am writing for an other graphical question for Classic Theme. If I create a static page, the title of the page will be aligned to the left (which for me is the most elegant solution in this case). However, if I file in the “Info” page or the “Editorial team” page, the title will stay in the center.
So at the end I have some page titles aligned to the left (the ones I created), and some page titles aligned to the center (the default pages).
Is there way that I can also align to the left, with some custom.css, the page titles of the default pages such as Info, Editorial team, Contacts, etc? I have searched for the css, but frankly I couldn’t find it.
Thank you very much and best regards,

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Thanks @leonardo.mancini,

I think the idea is to center the title of the static page. I’ll fix that.
Titles can be aligned left only by using !important rule, like:

h1 .text-center {
  text-align: left !important;

text-center class comes from Bootstrap an is specifically used for centering text inside block elements.

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Hi @Vitaliy, Thank you very much also for this. I have added it, but it seems not applying the edit yet.

Sorry, made an extra space, it should be:

h1.text-center {
  text-align: left !important;

Thank you @Vitaliy! It works!