Dear PKP leaders,
Many journals that use OSJ 3.x also apply Crossref Cited-by service.
However, there is no Cited-by plugin in the current version of OJS. This is a very serious lack of this system, significantly lowering the standards of such journals.
Can you inform when the Cited-by in OJS 3.x plugin will be released? It is very important plugin for many scientific journals.
With my best wishes
Michal Kokowski
Hi @Michal_Kokowski,
I believe that this is the plugin you’re referring to: GitHub - RBoelter/citations: Scopus/Crossref Plugin for OJS 3.x : This plugin shows the total number of citations and a "cited by" article list from Scopus and/or Crossref. ?
If so, there is a stable version for 3.1.2 it appears. There also appears to be some recent activity. This plugin is maintained by a third-party - and not PKP, so you will want to correspond with the developer of this plugin around this, if this is indeed the plugin you’re referring to.
PKP team
Hi @rcgillis,
Thank you very much for this information.
With my best wishes,