citationStyleLenguage installation not procede


Is my first time I want to instal OJS by git

In the last part of the instruction I received dis error

Invalid working directory specified, plugins/generic/citationStyleLenguage
does not exist.

When I access the site, I received a blank page

Some idea please


Some help please


Hi @luismurillo,

Is plugins/generic/citationStyleLenguage a typo? It should be plugins/generic/citationStyleLanguage. In any case, I suspect you haven’t initialized your git submodules. See the git submodule update --init --recursive command, documented here: Git - Submodules

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thanks a lot, I fowoll the instruction and every thing is OK now.

Sorry, but is the first installation by git. Is working well

Thanks again