Dear OJS-Community,
as described in the headline, we have a problem with the output of title information when using the Harvard, Vancouver, and IEEE citation styles.
When we select these styles, some, not all, papers are missing parts of the title. This occurs especially for papers with very long titles that contain many punctuation marks (colon, quotation marks, period).
An Example.
APA works fine:

Harvard, title information is missing.

Could it be because certain characters are interpreted as control characters by the plugin?
Thanks in advance,
kind regards,
Hi @adm_sub,
Have you seen this post that gives some tips on how to edit the CSL for various languages (it refers to the APA example, but you might be able to try what they suggest for other languages): [OJS 3.2.x] Citation Style Language Customization Tip
That said, I’m going to look into this a bit further and get back to you.
PKP Team
Hi @adm_sub,
I’ve followed up with some of our team members, and the CSL plugin uses standardized citation styles from a third-party resource. It may be that the style XML file is wrong and a fix needs to be filed against the standard in the CSL repository: GitHub - citation-style-language/styles: Official repository for Citation Style Language (CSL) citation styles.. You can file an issue on this Github repository.
Best regards,
PKP Team