Is there anyone here with experience with the new-ish OJS citation markup assistant who I could speak with about set up?
Hi @GreterTV,
The “Citation Markup Assistant” only existed in OJS 2.x, and was deprecated in favour of Open Typesetting Stack. Is that what you’re asking about?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Yes, that’s what I was looking for, but I see that it does not work, I need a citation markup that works for OJS 3.x. Thanks a lot
Hi @GreterTV,
Can you describe the trouble you were having with OTS?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I want to achieve something like that, and I don’t know how to do it
please I really need to know how to make at least a minimum of that
We use own developed JATS Parser plugin. In JATS XML citations are highly structured, but the process of creating this XML from DOCX is quite complicated.
Do you use JATS XML for publication? If yes, our plugin could be further enhanced.
We do not use any plugin for the citations. The result we want to achieve does not have to be as sophisticated as the examples I put earlier. We just want something basic where you can appreciate the number of visits the article has had. I think the plugin that you use could help us. Please if you can share it with us,we would appreciate it a lot. Thanks
I think that if there is a plugin for the citations I don’t know what it is name and how to use it, because in the previous versions of OJS there was a plugin and we can use it easily but now with OJS 3.0.2 everything has changed and it is complicated to find some things
Do you mean that you want a plugin that counts views of published articles? Hmm, I thought you want to manage citations (reference list).
yes, I want exactly that, do you know where I can find it?
I found this at and I really want to implement that in my site
so, if anyone can know how to do that please I need some advice
and also I would like to have something like this
This is OJS 3.1 Citation plugin. And Statistics plugin.
I need a link to download them
They are in the base OJS 3.1 installation:
If you are asking about styling, maybe
site owner @varshilmehta can help you.
I think she wants the stats code. Add in the article_details in your theme. Here it is:
{foreach from=$galleys item=galley name=galleyList}