Choosing a role as logged in user


I succesfully updated few OJS 2.3 and 2.4 instances to latest version 3.4. The editors however miss the functionality to act as a specific role after login. Let us say, that I have a few roles: Journal manager, Editor, Section editor, Reviewer, Author. In older versions it was possible to choose role to act and see submissions for given role. For example If I acted as a Reviewer I would not see unassigned submissions or submissions which are not assigned to me.

In the new versions it is not possible to change such context, or maybe I am missing something? Of course I can log on any user account when I am Journal Manager, I can also create multiple accounts for each of my roles to keep things separated, but then I would have to provide few e-mail addresses, which is cumbersome.

Is it possible somehow to “Switch role” after login? Maybe there is some plugin for that (I could not find one).

And why, when I am logged as user with roles Journal manager, Editor, Section editor, Reviewer, Author I see only Reviewer and Author role in my profile?

Paweł Witkowski

Hi @intools,

If you were using OJS 2, yes the roles will have changed significantly. There is not really an equivalent of logging into a role, but, as you point out, it is possible to login as a user in a particular role. and if you have those roles assigned to you, and you are able to carry out relevant tasks that are specific to those roles within OJS. So far as I know there is not a plugin to do what you’re describing. If you haven’t done so, I’d encourage to have a look at our documentation on user roles in 3.4:

Maybe you could share about your use cases or needs for logging and viewing from the perspective of other roles? I know what I’ve done in the past, if I needed to see something from the perspective of a reviewer or an author, I’ve had a test user, but just removed/added roles as I’ve needed to in order to test. I don’t think there is the need for multiple user accounts - just having one where you can test from a given user’s perspective as needed.

PKP Team