in OJS I developed a theme and it works fine.
Now I’m trying to develop childTheme and I did it following the documentation (Child Themes) and using defaultChild as model (GitHub - NateWr/defaultChild: An example child theme for OJS 3.).
My childTheme childTheme works correctly with css and js, it inherits all the css and all the js of parentTheme and I can effectively override some of those without problems, so I think the relationship between childTheme and partentTheme.
But instead the inheritance mechanism does not work for templates, childTheme tpls work properly in case they exist, if instead tpl files are not present in the childTheme they aren’t inherited from the parentTheme but directly those of /templates/ folder.
In other words it does not seem to me that the override order is respected and from childTheme it goes directly to the OJS template directory skipping the parentTheme.
Do you have any suggestions or are there any known issues regarding this aspect?
Abramo Tesoro