Just tackling this project for a client and trying to get my feed wet with how this all works. This first thing I need to find is the place where the options exist for the Editor in the Select Decision drop down. I see that each decision is then associated with a specific email template in the mySQL. Where are these drop downs being created from? The Locale folder? I don’t seem to see anything there. On that same page below the drop down are the words “Notify Author” We need to change that to just Notify since we will change the email to just email the Editor. Once I get a feeling where these things are found I will be home free. Thanks!
Hi @jeynon,
What version of OJS are you working with?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks for the help. We are really trying to just change the option of “Accept Submission” to add the word “and Distribute” The email sent out from that would go sent to the Journal Manager and not back to the author. I have played with the email options in the mySQL tables that seem to make those connections but I can’t seem to get it. So one cosmetic question, how do I change the language in the drop down, and two how to I get that TO email to switch?
Hi @jeynon,
It sounds like all you want to do is change a label. The easiest way to do that is to edit the translation file; the string you’re looking for is in locale/en_US/editor.xml
<message key="editor.article.decision.accept">Accept Submission</message>
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
lib/pkp/locale/en_US/ does not have a editor.xml in it. I read about another locale folder more on the root but I dont see one anywhere.
Hi @jeynon,
Look in locale/en_US/editor.xml
, not lib/pkp/locale/en_US/editor.xml
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I dont seem to have another locale. My root directory is
- Classes
- help
- lib
- plugins
- config.TEMPLATE.inc.php
-favicon - install (inside install I see the locale folder you are talking about)
I didnt install this and have been brought on to problem solve. Is it missing files? Should I move it to the root of ojs or can I edit from its current location? Thanks!
I found them! The person hadn’t moved everything over from the server! I have it now.