Changing button label depending on sending emails option in request revision


We are using OJS 3.1.1-2.

We have a request from our editors in chief. They noticed that editors or reviewers, when they took a request revision, they validated it quickly by clicking on button “Record Editorial Decision”.
But they doesn’t pay attention that they could choose an option to send or not send an email to the authors. And they don’t know if authors will receive an email.

When an editor or reviewer takes a decision, would it be possible to modify submit button label as follows:

  • If radio button sending emails to authors checked, button label = Record Editorial Decision and send email
  • If radio button sending mails to authors checked, button label = Record Editorial Decision

Thanks in advance for your answer.
Best regards.

That was also comment from some editors on my side: They were not sure if clicking the button sends email or not. And the solution was to rename the button into ‘Save and send’ - no matter how checkbox is selected.

Regards, Primož