I am running an OJS installation in version
Some users are bothered by the fact that false receivers are predefined for some e-mail templates (at least for them).
Explicit it is about the templates: REVIEW COMPLETE, REVIEW CONFIRM, REVIEW DECLINE
At the moment the section editor is defined as the receiver group. However, editor is required.
I would like to adjust this, but there is seems to be no option in the interface.
I have searched all associated tables in the database.
The recipient role is defined in the table “email_templates_default” in the column “to_role_id”.
Then I have found found the numbers of the individual roles in the file “classes / security / Role.inc.php”.
Correspondingly I have changed the values for to_role_id from 512 (section editor) to 256 (editor) for the templates in the database.
At first I thought that the problem has been solve, because now in the overview is the correct editor specified as receiver.
When the templates are used, the section editor is also entered as recipient.
Does anyone have an idea?
I’m looking forward to your reply.