Can't use enter key on references (citations raw), it doesn't create a new line

Hi team,

When trying to update the references field I can’t use enter key, it doesn’t create a new line. What can I do to make it works?

I’m using OJS 3.3.0-18

Hi @lcmartinezru,

This is related to After Random characters in autosuggest field for categories, you'll get directly the XHR response · Issue #9884 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub. There’s a PR to correct it here:

You’ll need to rebuild your javascript (npm run build in the OJS root) in order to see the patch take effect.

The fix will be included in OJS 3.3.0-20, due for release soon.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thank you Alec,

How can I apply this PR in OJS 3.3.0-18. Which file should I edit can’t find ui-library folder.


Hi @lcmartinezru,

The ui-library repo is a submodule of OJS; you can find it in lib/ui-library.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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