Can't upload image and got a message "Errors occurred processing this form Invalid cover page format."

I installed osj 3 on xampp in windows server. It looks like ok until I create an issue. I can’t upload a cover image. I got a message “Errors occurred processing this form Invalid cover page format.”. I tried to uncomment mime_database_path in but it doesn’t work.
this my config code
mime_database_path = /etc/magic.mime

So I can’t find a /etc/magic.mime path in windows server. How to fix it , please suggest me.

it can be occured by php
is the php_fileinfo extension active?

How to check that.
can I check with phpinfo function ?

if it is enable you can find the fileinfo section in phpinfo ouput.

Screenshot-2017-12-20 phpinfo()

It works, I enabled the file info function. Thank you Azerilatama.

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