Cannot upload editor version or initial copyediting file from upload option?

I have PDF as accepted article. As it is not editable I want to upload an DOC file as editor version and forward it for editing, or to upload/replace the PDF in Initial copyediting stage with the dock.
However in both cases with UPLOAD file it does not uploading the file just refreching the page with no change? (PS I’m using the lastest OJS 2 release)

Hi @vebaev,

If the upload is not working, it’s likely a file permissions problem. Check the files_dir in your and ensure that it is correct and file permissions on all of its contents permit OJS to update/create files.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

but authors can upload new submissions with files with no problem till now?

Hi @vebaev,

If permissions are correct in some subdirectories of files_dir but not others, that would explain the discrepancy.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thanks I will check that!

I have checked and I can upload file to Galley step, nevertheless I cannot upload/replace file in copyediting stage 1 or 2 and my step 3 is grayed. Is there some step in the workflow inhibiting the uploading?

Hi @vebaev,

I still suspect file permissions explain the upload problem to steps 1 and 2. Step 3 is not yet available because the second step hasn’t been completed yet.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Ok, I will check again, so in step 1 nothing of the workflow should stop me to replace the file with upload? This is good to know…

Dear Alec,

We have a similar issue, authors facing problem in uploading .docx files, however able to upload .doc and .PDF. Same is the case for editor and reviewer uploads also, where we are not able to upload .docx alone, could you please show some light. Please note that it was working fine until yesterday and the issue is only since today morning in production, the error we got is blank screen with : “The page isn’t working didn’t send any data.

Please help in fixing this asap.


Hi @tijeditor,

OJS doesn’t treat uploads of different file types differently, so either you’re encountering an issue that’s not really dependent on file type (perhaps it’s an issue of file size instead?) or you have something outside of OJS that is interfering. I would suggest checking your web server’s error logs to see if something appears there.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

We are also facing trouble uploading .docx files since last week, but .doc and pdf can be uploaded.

tijeditor, did you find the solution yet?


Dear Sofia,
Looks like the issue with godaddy hosting as we are not able to upload .docx into the godaddy server, we tested this with a simple php script out of OJS. However godaddy is still struggling to find the root-cause and fix this.
If you find any solution please update us.

Thank you. Yes, we are also using Godaddy.

I will contact you if I find the solution. Also, please let me know if you find the solution.


Hi Sofia,
Godaddy suggested us to migrate from the legacy hosting to cPanel hosting.

Dear Alec,
Could you please guide us with the steps to migrate from godaddy’s legacy hosting to cPanel is it just copying the files in folder OJS via FTP and uploading into cPanel or will it involve some other configuration?

@tijeditor, the process of migrating will be specific to GoDaddy, and you’ll need them to guide you through the procedure. From the perspective of OJS, if moving from one server to another, you will primarily be concerned with:

  • Copying the files
  • Ensuring the file permissions are correct
  • Copying the database
  • Ensuring the database permission is correct
  • Reviewing for any server-specific settings, like file paths.