I updated an OJS installation from to 3.0.2. Precisely, I got a clean copy of the source code and upgraded the old database. Since then, I cannot edit the many of the field in the Settings of the journal, e.g. the Journal Summary, About the Journal, Page Footer, or Additional Information.
Any idea why I cannot change them?
August 24, 2017, 9:38am
Is your tinymce plugin turned on?
What do mean by not being able to edit these fields. Do you mean that you can not write to the fields at all or do you mean that the changes that you make are not there after saving?
The tinyMCE plugin is enabled.
I cannot write to the fields. I cannot see the text area at all, I just see the label. Using the developer tools of the browser, I figured out that the text areas have the style=âvisibility: hiddenâ. Where can I change that?
August 24, 2017, 9:59am
That sounds weird. Is there any chance that some browser plugin might be causing this?
Edit: nevermind, tinymce is probably hiding the default text area.
Are there any javascript errors in your console?
Yes, there are:
3 Access to Font issues and several errors regarding plugin of the tinymce (see below for examples)
http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/index.php/mr2/management/settings/website:1 Access to Font at âhttp://[2001:638:902:2003:29a9:89d7:558b:4c85]/ojs/lib/pkp/fonts/fontawesome/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.3.0â from origin âhttp://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]â has been blocked by CORS policy: No âAccess-Control-Allow-Originâ header is present on the requested resource. Origin âhttp://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]â is therefore not allowed access.
http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/tinymce/tinymce/tinymce.min.js:4 GET http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/plugins/paste/plugin.min.js
e @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/tinymce/tinymce/tinymce.min.js:4
(anonymous) @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/tinymce/tinymce/tinymce.min.js:4
a @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/tinymce/tinymce/tinymce.min.js:2
h @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/tinymce/tinymce/tinymce.min.js:4
loadScripts @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/tinymce/tinymce/tinymce.min.js:4
loadQueue @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/tinymce/tinymce/tinymce.min.js:4
t @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/tinymce/tinymce/tinymce.min.js:9
render @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/tinymce/tinymce/tinymce.min.js:9
(anonymous) @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/js/classes/Handler.js:592
each @ jquery.min.js:2
each @ jquery.min.js:2
$.pkp.classes.Handler.initializeTinyMCE @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/js/classes/Handler.js:578
$.pkp.controllers.form.FormHandler @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/js/controllers/form/FormHandler.js:134
$.pkp.classes.ObjectProxy.parent @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/js/classes/ObjectProxy.js:112
$.pkp.controllers.form.AjaxFormHandler @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/js/controllers/form/AjaxFormHandler.js:29
$.pkp.classes.ObjectProxy.parent @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/js/classes/ObjectProxy.js:112
$.pkp.controllers.tab.settings.form.FileViewFormHandler @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/js/controllers/tab/settings/form/FileViewFormHandler.js:48
$.pkp.classes.ObjectProxy.parent @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/js/classes/ObjectProxy.js:112
proxyConstructor @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/js/classes/Helper.js:283
$.pkp.classes.Helper.objectFactory @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/js/classes/Helper.js:209
(anonymous) @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/js/lib/jquery/plugins/jquery.pkp.js:37
each @ jquery.min.js:2
each @ jquery.min.js:2
$.fn.pkpHandler @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/js/lib/jquery/plugins/jquery.pkp.js:31
(anonymous) @ VM11214:4
j @ jquery.min.js:2
add @ jquery.min.js:2
n.fn.ready @ jquery.min.js:2
n.fn.init @ jquery.min.js:2
n @ jquery.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ VM11214:2
(anonymous) @ jquery.min.js:2
globalEval @ jquery.min.js:2
domManip @ jquery.min.js:3
append @ jquery.min.js:3
(anonymous) @ jquery.min.js:3
n.access @ jquery.min.js:3
html @ jquery.min.js:3
(anonymous) @ jquery-ui.min.js:13
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-ui.min.js:13
j @ jquery.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery.min.js:2
x @ jquery.min.js:4
b @ jquery.min.js:4
XMLHttpRequest.send (async)
send @ jquery.min.js:4
ajax @ jquery.min.js:4
load @ jquery-ui.min.js:13
(anonymous) @ jquery-ui.min.js:6
_create @ jquery-ui.min.js:12
(anonymous) @ jquery-ui.min.js:6
_createWidget @ jquery-ui.min.js:6
e.(anonymous function).(anonymous function) @ jquery-ui.min.js:6
(anonymous) @ jquery-ui.min.js:6
each @ jquery.min.js:2
each @ jquery.min.js:2
e.fn.(anonymous function) @ jquery-ui.min.js:6
$.pkp.controllers.TabHandler @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/js/controllers/TabHandler.js:64
$.pkp.classes.ObjectProxy.parent @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/js/classes/ObjectProxy.js:112
proxyConstructor @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/js/classes/Helper.js:283
$.pkp.classes.Helper.objectFactory @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/js/classes/Helper.js:209
(anonymous) @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/js/lib/jquery/plugins/jquery.pkp.js:37
each @ jquery.min.js:2
each @ jquery.min.js:2
$.fn.pkpHandler @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/js/lib/jquery/plugins/jquery.pkp.js:31
(anonymous) @ http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/index.php/mr2/management/settings/website:156
j @ jquery.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery.min.js:2
ready @ jquery.min.js:2
K @ jquery.min.js:2
http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/tinymce/tinymce/tinymce.min.js:4 Failed to load: http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/plugins/paste/plugin.min.js
Hi @Lydia_Mueller
The console error " No âAccess-Control-Allow-Originâ header is present on the requested resource " is commonly related to a cross domain access.
I realized that your log console points to a IP (v6 I guess) http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996] , is it your journal domain ? Or it is from a initial install of OJS and the domain has changed when you deploy in production?
But, if your are using Chrome browser might be a issue from browser as well.
Just in case your are testing or in a test stack you may try this solution http://pointdeveloper.com/how-to-bypass-cors-errors-on-chrome-and-firefox-for-testing/
But if it is your production stage server verifiy with your IT staff if there is some asset invoking this Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) error.
Hi @israel.cefrin ,
The solution from you link removed the error message regarding the fonts. The errors are still there though.
Yes, my journal has indeed a IPv6 address. As the upgrade guide suggest, we first test the upgrade before really doing the upgrade. We decided to set up a completely new machine (since the old machine is anyway to old and has a very old operating system). Once the upgrade is performed and all features and plugins work, we will reassign an IPv4 address and a real domain to the new machine.
August 24, 2017, 4:22pm
Maybe OJS just does not work with a IPv6 address or the problem is with the version of tinymce OJS is using?
opened 12:18PM - 16 Dec 15 UTC
closed 03:31PM - 16 Dec 15 UTC
No Code Attached Yet
#### Steps to reproduce the issue
When you load the administrator-Site with a r⊠aw IPv6-Adress, it's not possible to write or edit an article. The editor is not loaded and where it should be is only a white surface.
When I load the same administrator-Site with a normel internetadress (like www.testpage.org), everything works fine.
=> So there is somehow a problem with the url to load the editor.
#### Expected result
There should be an editor in the edit-mode of an article.
#### Actual result
The editor is not loaded in the edit-mode of an article and where it should be is only a white surface.
#### System information (as much as possible)
It's a server in the new hyperboria network where at the moment it's quite common to use the raw IPv6-adress.
#### Additional comments
It would be nice to make Joomla IPv6-able.
â dgrammatiko:tinyIPV6Concat
opened 03:27PM - 16 Dec 15 UTC
#### Solves #8708 and also makes tinyMCE friendlier for concatenation scripts
A⊠lso the xml needs the media folder to be defined
#### Steps to reproduce the issue
When you load the administrator-Site with a raw IPv6-Adress, it's not possible to write or edit an article. The editor is not loaded and where it should be is only a white surface.
When I load the same administrator-Site with a normel internetadress (like www.testpage.org), everything works fine.
=> So there is somehow a problem with the url to load the editor.
#### Expected result
There should be an editor in the edit-mode of an article.
#### Actual result
The editor is not loaded in the edit-mode of an article and where it should be is only a white surface.
#### Testing
Apply patch and repeat the above steps. TinyMCE should appear and function properly
@asmecher ?
The text areas are still hidden. I guess the reason is the missing IPv6 support mentioned in the link @ajnyga shared.
Thanks for that link. If it still not working once I have the final IPv4 address, I will ask for help again.