Cannot delete static page in OMP 1.2.0


when trying to delete a static page in OMP 1.2.0 (new git pull), I get the following (an not entry in the error log):


Hi @carola,

Is the static pages plugin installed via git? Can you check what branch of the plugin you have checked out?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher,

actually the branch was detached, but checking out omp-stable-1_2_0 did not change anything.

I found an older OMP 1.2 test installation where I still could delete static pages. After a git pull the same happened: I can’t delete static pages anymore.

In fire bug I get an js error: “Missing or invalid modal options!”


Hi @carola,

It looks like CSRF checking got accidentally back-ported to the omp-stable-1_2_0 branch of the static pages plugin, when the underlying support isn’t present. This can be fixed with this commit, which I’ve just applied to that branch:

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team


Thanks, it works now!


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