Yes, sure. Here is a copy of the htaccess file.
And here I paste the base_url config:
; The canonical URL to the OJS installation (excluding the trailing slash)
base_url = “”
; Session cookie name
session_cookie_name = OJSSID
; Session cookie path; if not specified, defaults to the detected base path
; session_cookie_path = /
; Number of days to save login cookie for if user selects to remember
; (set to 0 to force expiration at end of current session)
session_lifetime = 30
; Enable support for running scheduled tasks
; Set this to On if you have set up the scheduled tasks script to
; execute periodically
scheduled_tasks = Off
; Site time zone
; Please refer to lib/pkp/registry/timeZones.xml for a full list of supported
; time zones.
; I.e.:
; time_zone=“Amsterdam”
time_zone = “UTC”
; Short and long date formats
date_format_trunc = “%m-%d”
date_format_short = “%Y-%m-%d”
date_format_long = “%B %e, %Y”
datetime_format_short = “%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p”
datetime_format_long = “%B %e, %Y - %I:%M %p”
time_format = “%I:%M %p”
; Use URL parameters instead of CGI PATH_INFO. This is useful for broken server
; setups that don’t support the PATH_INFO environment variable.
; WARNING: This option is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future.
disable_path_info = On
; Use fopen(…) for URL-based reads. Modern versions of dspace
; will not accept requests using fopen, as it does not provide a
; User Agent, so this option is disabled by default. If this feature
; is disabled by PHP’s configuration, this setting will be ignored.
allow_url_fopen = Off
; Base URL override settings: Entries like the following examples can
; be used to override the base URLs used by OJS. If you want to use a
; proxy to rewrite URLs to OJS, configure your proxy’s URL here.
; Syntax: base_url[journal_path] =
; To override URLs that aren’t part of a particular journal, use a
; journal_path of “index”.
; Examples:
; base_url[index] =
; base_url[myJournal] =
; base_url[myOtherJournal] =
; Generate RESTful URLs using mod_rewrite. This requires the
; rewrite directive to be enabled in your .htaccess or httpd.conf.
; See FAQ for more details.
restful_urls = Off
; Allow the X_FORWARDED_FOR header to override the REMOTE_ADDR as the source IP
; Set this to “On” if you are behind a reverse proxy and you control the X_FORWARDED_FOR
; Warning: This defaults to “On” if unset for backwards compatibility.
trust_x_forwarded_for = Off
; Allow javascript files to be served through a content delivery network (set to off to use local files)
enable_cdn = On
; Set the maximum number of citation checking processes that may run in parallel.
; Too high a value can increase server load and lead to too many parallel outgoing
; requests to citation checking web services. Too low a value can lead to significantly
; slower citation checking performance. A reasonable value is probably between 3
; and 10. The more your connection bandwidth allows the better.
citation_checking_max_processes = 3
; Display a message on the site admin and journal manager user home pages if there is an upgrade available
show_upgrade_warning = On
; Set the following parameter to off if you want to work with the uncompiled (non-minified) JavaScript
; source for debugging or if you are working off a development branch without compiled JavaScript.
enable_minified = On
; Provide a unique site ID and OAI base URL to PKP for statistics and security
; alert purposes only.
enable_beacon = On
; Set this to “On” if you would like to only have a single, site-wide Privacy
; Statement, rather than a separate Privacy Statement for each journal. Setting
; this to “Off” will allow you to enter a site-wide Privacy Statement as well
; as separate Privacy Statements for each journal.
sitewide_privacy_statement = Off